Our Good Earth

Mno Aki Land Trust Inc. (Mno Aki) meaning “Good Earth” in Ojibwe, is a federally incorporated land trust and registered charity governed by Indigenous Grandmothers from across Turtle Island for the wellbeing of our future generations.

Redefining Conservation on Indigenous Terms.

“In Indigenous worldviews, conservation is achieved when the relationships and uses that have conserved the lands and waters for thousands of years remain intact or are re-established.”

Indigenous Circle of Experts Report, 2018

As Featured In

Spring 2023

Mno Aki Land Trust:
Redefining Conservation on Indigenous Terms

Mno Aki Land Trust (Mno Aki) is an Indigenous and women-led land trust model, federally incorporated in 2021 and a registered charity. In 2022, two of its founders, Becky Big Canoe and Sonia Molodecky, participated in a webinar with EFAO and Local Food and Farm Co-ops, to share about the unique model and approach. This article summarizes what they shared.


Mno Aki holds, sustainably uses, and regenerates land and water ecosystems for the health and benefit of the next 7 generations.


We aim to reclaim the stewardship roles gifted to us by Creator and honour our sacred responsibilities to protect and nurture the land and water.


We cultivate land-based learning activities that promote physical, mental, spiritual and emotional wellbeing.


Mno Aki regenerates ecological connections and relationships by fostering cultural practices on the land and with our sacred waters.

Grandmothers for the Good of the Earth

According to traditional teachings, Indigenous Grandmothers were community knowledge keepers, seed carriers and water walkers. Indigenous grandmothers today represent a tremendous repository of life experience and cultural wisdom. Grandmothers continue to monitor the health of the water, of the land and the wellbeing of our future generations. Mno-Aki is guided by a group of Indigenous grandmothers who are culturally grounded by Indigenous principles and have spent a lifetime serving their communities, educating the youth and caring for our Mother Earth.