A Conservation Land Trust Charity

We are governed by a council of Indigenous Grandmothers who share wisdom of the past and present. With a strong base of land knowledge, and in the spirit of love and kindness, Mno Aki is dedicated to securing a healthy future for all life on Turtle Island.

About Us​

Aanii Boozhoo, Hello, We are Indigenous grandmothers who are vested with the responsibility of being caretakers of our Mama Aki whom we call Beautiful Good Earth, Mno Aki and we include all lands and waters in our vast territories. As part of our mission, we are offering an avenue for reparation and reconciliation with Indigenous Peoples and Canada. We are mandated to assist landless Indigenous people reconnect with the land through ceremonies, seed planting and other cultural activities. Our corporate responsibilities include an efficient process for land transfers and tax deductions. Become a part of the important work we are doing and engage with us today. Ahow, miigwech.

Our Mission

Our Vision is to hold and steward a vast portfolio of land and watersheds for all to have access to, learn with and benefit from.

Our Mission is to provide access to lands for indigenous peoples to conserve, steward, learn and revitalize cultural practices.

Matriarchal Governance

Council of Grandmothers

Indigenous Grandmothers have come together in leadership and governance to establish an integrated approach to land stewardship, conservation, education, and cultural revitalization that makes land accessible across Turtle Island.

Board of Directors

Chair of the Board
Sustainable Housing & Women’s Rights

Social Worker & Traditional Medicine
Knowledge Carrier

Water Commissioner & Resource
Management Technician

Indigenous-led Land Reclamation

Lawyer & Community Builder

Acting Executive Director
Food Sovereignty Expert

Mno Aki is committed to meaningful collaboration (Indigenous and non-indigenous) to ensure strong, experienced and holistic governance and oversight mechanisms and processes. For the past three years we have engaged Indigenous communities across Canada to develop a robust purpose for Mno Aki.

We are committed to truth and reconciliation between Canada and the Indigenous Peoples. Our commitment to positive relationships is only matched by our love of the land.

Partnerships & Collaborations

Global Indigenous Development Trust

GIDT is a Canadian Indigenous non-profit and registered charity that empowers natural leaders, communities and economies, to create new and healthy realities for all. GIDT has worked with 77 communities across 14 countries and empowered more than 5000 leaders.

Oak Ridges Marine Land Trust

ORMLT is a registered charity that works with citizens to protect and steward ecologically sensitive land for everyone’s collective benefit. ORMLT has protected 67 properties totalling 5,269 acres of precious habitat. 

Conservation Through Reconciliation

CTR is an Indigenous-led network that brings together a diverse range of partners to advance Indigenous-led conservation, including Indigenous Protected and Conserved Areas (IPCAs), and to transform the conservation sector in Canada.